Facteurs Humains en Santé

Des clés pour améliorer la sécurité des patients... et la vôtre !

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The keys to understanding the quality and safety of care in the broader perspective of risk management

Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 384
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1685-4
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1753-0
Printed in: French
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
Publication date: 05/10/2023

Technical expertise is not enough to be a successful healthcare player. Analysis of incidents in high-risk industries reveals the weight of organizational and human factors, key elements of safety, particularly in patient care.

• With an understanding of these principles, any healthcare professional can develop non-technical skills and optimize the quality of care. The subject is wide-ranging, encompassing issues of communication, management and quality of life at work... everything that has an effect on performance.

• A practical tool, this book offers the reader "keys to understanding" the essential concepts and "keys to acting" on a daily basis. Written in a concise, educational style, each chapter is also illustrated by a real-life story and feedback.

• Without claiming to be exhaustive, this book, which brings together 60 experts from different backgrounds, is the first to be aimed at all professional categories closely or remotely involved in care, in order to provide them with concrete answers.

Making the healthcare system safer is a challenge that requires the attention of all personnel. Whether you're a healthcare worker, administrative staff, manager, member of governance or involved in the support functions of a healthcare organization, it's time to take ownership of the "human factors" principles and integrate this knowledge into your practices!


Médecin anesthésiste-réanimateur, Régis Fuzier exerce à l’Institut universitaire du cancer de Toulouse Oncopole (IUCT-O), il possède également une licence avion de pilote professionnel. Formé à travers ces deux industries à risque à la gestion des facteurs humains, il est très engagé dans l’association FHS (Facteurs humains en santé) et dans le comité d’analyse et maîtrise des risques (CAMR) de la Société française d’anesthésie réanimation (SFAR).

Agrégé de mathématiques, anesthésiste-réanimateur, diplômé en médecine aérospatiale et formateur en simulation, François Jaulin est cofondateur de Facteurs humains en santé, association qui vise à promouvoir la prise en compte du fonctionnement humain et organisationnel dans les soins. Il a également cofondé la Patient Safety Database, plateforme de partage d’expérience, et la SafeTeam Academy, plateforme de formation e-learning par vidéosimulation.

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