Communication in Care (2nd edition)

Medical hypnosis and relational techniques

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Collection: Books-e-Books
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 232
Format: 12 x 20 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1588-8
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1613-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 09/07/2020

2nd edition entirely updated and enriched with the must-have guide
to acquire relational techniques from medical hypnosis and improve care

Communication between practitioner and patient is an essential aspect of medical management. Medicine is a technique, and it is the relationship with the patient that transforms it into an art...

Based on their long experience as anaesthetists and trainers on relational techniques derived from medical hypnosis, the authors demonstrate that, for any situation, there is an adapted approach and that it is necessary to be able to communicate better to provide better care. Good communication allows us to find the right place and the right words, to defuse anxiety situations, to soothe pain.

Some knowledge, particularly that of hypnosis, leads to the discovery that patients often experience a state of consciousness modified by the disease and treatments. Beyond the care provided, the caregiver's role is to take this altered state of consciousness into account.

Entirely updated, this second edition is enriched with new developments on neuroscience, empathy, announcement and the impact of touch in relationships. The chapter on "Conflict management", completely revised, will be valuable in facilitating the relationship with the patient and his or her entourage, or even between caregivers.

Rich in simple tools, technical data sheets, numerous concrete examples as well as numerical supplements, this book, intended for medical staff, will be your ally to face any relational situation and, consequently, to better care for your patients.