134 questions-réponses sur la MASH

maladie du foie gras

Sous la direction de Pascal Mélin , Thomas Laurenceau
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Cet ouvrage s’adresse en priorité aux patients, aux médecins qui les suivent ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui découvrent la MASH.

Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 140
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1773-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 13/03/2025

At first, it's not really a disease, just a little disorder. Like 8 million French people, your liver stores more fat than it needs to.

The result is a real public health bombshell: the little disorder can become a potentially serious disease known as MASH, or metabolic hepatitis. Like all chronic liver diseases, it is insidious for a long time, smouldering slowly for years, then one day it explodes. You end up with cirrhosis or liver cancer. It can also lead to stroke, heart attack or cancer of another organ.

In France, it already kills 7,000 people a year, twice as many as road accidents. A disease of societý, it is one of those pathologies that are said to be “avoidable”, like type 2 diabetes to which it is closely linked, like alcoholic disease or smoking, which aggravate it.

A systemic disease, it calls for a global approach, where prevention once again becomes what it should never have ceased to be: the keý to our health. The fight against fatty liver disease requires the mobilization of all players, citizens, healthcare professionals and health officials. SOS hépatites & maladies du foie, an approved association of healthcare system users, has a duty to be at the forefront of this mobilization.

Our first weapon is information. That's the purpose of this little book, the culmination of a long collective effort to listen to patients' questions and compile the scientific data needed to answer them. The aim is to give readers a better understanding of foie gras disease and the issues involved, so that they in turn can become ambassadors for its prevention.

Pascal Mélin est chef de service en médecine polyvalente au Centre hospitalier de Saint-Dizier. Il est également président de la Fédération SOS hépatites et maladies du foie.

Thomas Laurenceau est journaliste spécialisé en santé, ancien rédacteur en chef de 60 millions de consommateurs, co-auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur les maladies du foie, il est en outre bénévole à l’association SOS hépatites et maladies du foie.

L’association SOS hépatites & maladies du foie, soutient depuis 1996 les personnes atteintes de maladies du foie. Elle est en première ligne dans le combat contre la MASH.

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