Handicaps de l'enfant (2e édition)

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Chapitre 1/ Concept de handicap 6,30 €
Chapitre 2/ Déficience intellectuelle ou trouble du développement intellectuel 6,30 €
Chapitre 3/ En quoi le polyhandicap se distingue-t‑il des autres handicaps de l’enfant ? 6,30 €
Chapitre 4/ Paralysies cérébrales 6,30 €
Chapitre 5/ Maladies neuromusculaires 6,30 €
Chapitre 6/ Approche globale et multiculturelle du handicap 6,30 €
Chapitre 7/ Prise en charge de la spasticité 6,30 €
Chapitre 8/ Douleurs et mouvements anormaux 6,30 €
Chapitre 9/ Atteintes neurosensorielles – Surdités 6,30 €
Chapitre 10/ Nutrition dans le polyhandicap 6,30 €
Chapitre 11/ Progrès dans le traitement des déformations orthopédiques chez l’enfant handicapé moteur 6,30 €
Chapitre 12/ Atteintes respiratoires 6,30 €
Chapitre 13/ Santé buccodentaire 6,30 €
Chapitre 14/ Handicaps visuels 6,30 €
Chapitre 15/ Réseau ville-hôpital 6,30 €
Chapitre 16/ Contexte administratif : aides et ressources pour les familles 6,30 €
Chapitre 17/ Aspects éthiques 6,30 €
Chapitre 18/ Génétique et polyhandicap 6,30 €
Chapitre 19/ Transition de la pédiatrie vers la médecine pour adultes chez les adolescents porteurs de handicaps 6,30 €
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 240
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1628-0
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1658-7
Printed in: French
Publication date: 25/06/2020

This second edition of the "Progress in Paediatrics" volume devoted to children's disabilities appears 14 years after the first.

We felt it was important to take a fresh look at different themes because of the progress made, the work carried out, the multidisciplinarity particularly developed in this field, the expansion of the field of rare diseases, without forgetting the ethical reflections raised whatever the situation encountered, always guided by respect for the best interests of the child.

It will allow everyone, whether a specialist or not, to have a new approach to the different themes developed around disability, whether it is a question of definitions that are sometimes difficult to establish, the classifications used, situations of polyhandicap, intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, neuromuscular diseases, hearing disability, visual disability, genetic causes, etc.

A large part is devoted to the field of care with different innovative aspects:

- management of spasticity and pain, a major source of over-disability;

- Respiratory management;

- nutritional management;

- Oral care, too often neglected;

- transition from child to adult, a real challenge today.

Finally, the global approach to children with disabilities is widely developed both at the educational and societal levels, with the role of the outpatient paediatrician being particularly important here in the support offered to the child and his family.

The current legislative provisions concerning school integration and the operation of departmental homes for persons with disabilities (MDPHs) are also reported, making it easy for the reader to find information.

This book is therefore intended for all professionals working in the field of children's disabilities, but also for all those who wish to have a current overview of both global and specific aspects of children's disabilities.

Brigitte Chabrol, Isabelle Desguerre



• Professeur Brigitte Chabrol, Chef de pôle de pédiatrie, Centre de référence des maladies héréditaires du métabolisme, Centre de référence des maladies neuromusculaires de l'enfant, Service de neurologie pédiatrique, Hôpital d'enfants, CHU Timone, Marseille

• Professeur Isabelle Desguerre, Chef de service de neuropédiatrie, Responsable du CR neuromusculaire Necker (GNMH), Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, Paris