Le cancer du pancréas exocrine

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Pages: 160
ISBN : 2-7420-0525-0
Printed in: French

Our way of looking at cancer of the pancreas has changed over the past ten years. The arrival of modern methods of diagnosis (helical angioscanner, endoscopic ultrasonography with the possibility of cytological punction, PET scan) have revolutionized the way these tumours are diagnosed and assessed prior to treatment.
Recent developments in chemotherapy, particularly gemcitabine monotherapy, have helped to improve patients' quality of life while also increasing overall life expectancy.
This has led to a change in attitudes. Palliative chemotherapy for cancer of the pancreas, formerly the poor relation of clinical research into digestive oncology, has entered an active phase, opening the way for bitherapy combining gemcitabine with 5-fluorouracile, cisplatin or oxaliplatin, and for targeted therapies.
After a brief look at the epidemiology and pathological anatomy of cancers of the pancreas, the authors deal in turn with the contribution of medical imaging, endoscopy and surgery.
Next they examine in detail the place of concomitant chemotherapy and radiotherapy in the neoadjuvant, adjuvant and palliative use of chemotherapy.
Finally the latest therapies being used in advanced cases of cancer of the pancreas are discussed. These include metalloprotein, farnesyltransferase, EGF receptor and angiogenesis inhibitors.
This book, which is aimed at gastroenterologists and oncologists, sets out to provide all those who have to deal with cancer of the exocrine pancreas with the latest practical information that will help them give patients the best possible treatment.


• Préface
• Épidémiologie, présentation et classification du cancer du pancréas exocrine
• Anatomie pathologique des cancers du pancréas exocrine
• Apport de l’endoscopie dans le diagnostic et la prise en charge des adénocarcinomes du pancréas : cathétérisme
• Chirurgie : indications et avancées récentes
• Chimioradiothérapie concomitante dans le traitement des édénocarcinomes pancréatiques
• Chimiothérapie palliative des cancers du pancréas exocrine
• Nouvelles voies thérapeutiques dans les cancers du pancréas avancés