Le retour à domicile après un accident vasculaire cérébral

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Pages: 190
Format: 15X21
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0700-4
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1139-1
Printed in: French
Publication date: 06/04/2009

Your or someone close to you have had a cerebrovascular accident.
Whether the neurological damage is debilitating or appears minimal, a cerebrovascular accident affects the daily life, future projects, relationships and self-esteem of the victim.
This means that changes are required and their extent is only fully understood by patients and their families after the return home.
During this period of adaptation, this precious guide will help you deal with all the medical, practical, administrative and psychological aspects of your situation.
In particular, living with someone who has had a CVA is not easy: two chapters are devoted not only to the patient's psychological reactions, but also those of his/her family and friends.
Although much rarer in children and adolescents than in adults, CVAs do nonetheless occur; some aspects of adaptation are specific to this population and a chapter is devoted to this subject.
After having explained the anatomy of the brain and the mechanisms involved in cerebrovascular accidents and how to prevent recurrence, the authors describe all the practical aspects related to a cerebrovascular accident: rehabilitation, modifying the home and daily activities, both professional and extra-professional.
The medical terms are defined in a glossary. The legal, administrative and financial aspects are also described and useful references provided.
While this guide does not provide a cure, every reader will be able to find detailed information on a wide variety of subjects.
To find the information required, readers will not have to read the whole book, only the appropriate chapter.
Yet another objective of this whole guide is to help the reader deal with vascular disease and the disabilities with which it may be associated.