Addictions chez l’enfant et l’adolescent

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Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 252
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1397-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 17/04/2014

Book written in French
The subject of addiction in childhood and adolescence is rarely addressed.
And yet, paediatricians, GPs and other carers have to deal with addiction as often as child psychiatrists.
The book initially deals with epidemiological, pathopsychological and sociodemographic data and then discusses the consequences of parental addiction on the foetus and child. Consumption of legal and illicit substances is then approached (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other drugs).
A large part of the work is devoted to anorexia nervosa and the substance-free addictions such as addiction to video games, gambling and sport, without forgetting the fainting game which, while rarely related to addictive behaviours, is worthy of attention owing to its chronic and serious nature.
Caring for these children and teenagers also means working with their families, schools and relevant support groups. Original experiments could be developed in these fields and potentially integrated into the care plans for these patients.
Prevention and care are closely related but good will gestures are not enough: research efforts must be continued to shed further light on these often misunderstood pathologies.
1. Reaching out to children and teenagers with addictions
2. Mechanisms of addiction : specific features in teenagers
3. Addictive behaviours: psychopathological aspects
4. Smoking, drinking and cannabis: an epidemiological approach
5. Dependency : a new trend
6. Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
7. Consequences of parental addiction in children
(excluding alcohol)
8. Pregnancy and addiction
9. Alcohol, childhood and adolescence
10. Smoking
11. Cannabis
12. On-line therapies : where the future lies ?
13. Addiction to video games
14. Teenagers and gambling and money : too young to play ?
15. Eating disorders in prepubescent children and young teenagers
16. Eating disorders in the paediatric department
17. From risk taking to addiction in athletic teenagers
18. The fainting game
19. Family therapy and eating disorders in children and teenagers
20. Schooling and addiction
21. Role played by associations in treating addiction
22. Health care offer for young consumers
23. Supporting teenagers with addictive behaviour
24. High risk behaviour and addiction in teenagers
25. Role of the primary care paediatrician in treating addiction
26. Prevention of addiction is better than a cure!
27. Are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa addictions ?
28. Addiction in teenagers, some aspects and government policy