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ISBN : 2-7420-0512-9
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2004

The human body, a masterpiece of adaptation, has managed to turn to its own advantage the wide variety of micro-organisms that make up the intestinal flora and their many physiological roles: their ability to ferment, their immunoregulatory properties and their effects on intestinal motility, vascularisation and trophicity, which is a useful defence mechanism against infection. The host-flora relationship provides a model of symbiosis that may be described as the "intestinal ecosystem". Nonetheless, the balance of this ecosystem is fragile and may be disturbed as part of the physiopathology of various digestive disorders.
In recent years the importance of intestinal microflora has given rise to a considerable amount of research using the latest techniques of molecular biology, microbiology and medicine. In addition, the old idea of making positive alterations to a flora imbalance or reproducing some of its beneficial effects by administering selected live micro-organisms has become the subject of intense interest, leading to the emergence of the concept of "probiotic" micro-organisms.
Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the book sets out to provide a full and up-to-date overview of intestinal microflora and their impact on digestive physiology and pathology. It will be useful for doctors, pharmacists, veterinary surgeons, researchers and students who are interested in this fascinating topic.
Flore microbienne intestinale
Méthodes d’étude
Établissement et composition de la flore microbienne intestinale
Facteurs de contrôle de la flore. Définitions et mode d’action des probiotiques et prébiotiques
Rôle physiologique et physiopathologique de la flore
Principales fonctions métaboliques de la flore intestinale de l’homme
Flore intestinale et gaz intestinaux
Flore et motricité coliques.
Flore intestinale et épithélium colique
Influence de la microflore intestinale sur l’immunité de l’hôte : conditions physiologiques
Influence de la microflore intestinale sur l’immunité de l’hôte au cours des maladies inflammatoires intestinales
Microflore sacrophyte colique au cours des diarrhées aiguës infectieuses
Flore et diarrhées : diarrhées associées aux antibiotiques
Intérêt de l’administration de micro-organismes vivants
Probiotiques et affections coliques
Exemple d’un médicament probiotique : Saccharomyces boulardii lyophilisé