Stereotaxy and Epilepsy Surgery

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 355
Format: 21x27 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0767-7
Printed in: English
Publication date: 07/12/2012

The most recent advances in stereotaxic approaches in epilepsy surgery !
Incluided : A DVD with video sequences and clinical cases
Stereotaxy is a neurosurgical technique which consists in using co-ordinates to "map" in precise detail the part of the brain causing a particular disease, providing the neurosurgeon with the detailed information required for a more targeted surgical intervention.
This book provides you:
• In first, background information on stereotaxy
• Then, precise descriptions of methods and techniques used in stereotaxy applied to epilepsy surgery.
Many colour illustrations : figures and plates of surgical interventions, new materials, implantation of electrodes…