The essentials of bibliographic research in health

Search. Organise. Publish

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Collection: Méthodo
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 208
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1471-2
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1525-2
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/09/2016

A methodology book useful for many disciplines

Highly educational summaries at the end of each chapter

Exercises with answers at the end of the book for instant practical application and self-assessment

User manuals of bibliography management software programmes


Successively searching, collecting, selecting, storing and organising information must be done to produce a bibliography for it to be presented in a published work.

These actions, summarised in the three verbs highlighted in the title of this book, are explained and illustrated in detail, with each one of them related to the “key tool” and to a series of exercises and their answers (as annexe) for instant practical application and self-assessment. Each chapter ends with the “Key Point” section outlining the important items and practical advice that have been presented.

The first part outlines the rational process and method to adopt for document search. A selection of bibliographic tools, accessible via the Internet, adapted to the field of biomedical sciences is clearly presented along with a user manual of the PubMed/MEDLINE international database.

The second part is dedicated to the selection and evaluation of previously collected bibliographic data. The standard bibliometric practices and the more recent ones will be presented to enable the relevant bibliographic tracking. The user manual of two bibliographic management software programmes, key tools (one free, the other paying) complete this second part.

The third and last part concerns reference systems and the presentation of bibliographies. The Vancouver rules have become essential reading to publish dissertation, thesis or scientific articles correctly. The lesser details of how to handle these rules are also explained.

The annexes offer answers to exercises and a French/English glossary of the specific terms in bibliographic research.