URG' Pédiatrie (3e édition)

Toutes les urgences pédiatriques

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The essential tool for all pediatric emergency procedures: guide + application

Collection: Collection URG’
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 528
Format: 13 x 18 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1716-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 08/06/2023

A practical tool to help optimize the management of pediatric emergencies, this book has become an essential guide for emergency physicians.

Structured by specialty, URG' Pediatrics covers all emergency situations. It is both a clinical and therapeutic teaching tool.

The practitioner will easily find the procedures to follow for each pathology as well as practical sheets on the procedures for reconstituting injectable drugs.

The protocols have been updated and refined. This 3rd edition includes new medicolegal pediatric procedures (situations such as shaken baby syndrome, sexual assault on minors, harassment and the management of isolated minors in the emergency room). A free downloadable mobile application accompanies the book.

Urg' Pediatrics is the essential reference for all emergency personnel, whether they are hospital or private practitioners.

Jean-Marc Pécontal : médecin généraliste, Saint-Paul (La Réunion)

Rachid Dekkak : praticien hospitalier urgentiste, Centre hospitalier Ouest Réunion, Président de la commission médicale du groupement hospitalier de territoire (GHT) de La Réunion

Karine Burlot : pédiatre, chef de service de pédiatrie, Centre hospitalier Ouest Réunion, Saint-Paul (La Réunion)

Philippe Morbidelli : médecin légiste, praticien hospitalier, Institut de médecine légale de Lille, CHU Lille

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