The Adopted Child

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Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 192
Format: 16 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1419-4
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1552-8
Printed in: French
Publication date: 03/01/2017

Since the start of the 1980s, adoption and more particularly international adoption have become a veritable societal phenomenon. There is no paediatrician who does not treat adopted children among their young patients. However, adopted children still remain unknown. Essential facts about their health are often forgotten, such as the presence of infectious parasites, which are, however, very common. Doctors can also wonder about the necessity of performing an assessment on arrival of the child, and about what could be useful in tis assessment. Other risks which affect adopted children may be ignored, minimised or, on the contrary, exaggerated, such as, for example, early puberty, sometimes explosive, which can affect a certain number of young girls soon after their arrival. With regard to the diagnosis of psychological problems, too many practitioners respond to it based on their own imaginations with regard to filiation, rather than seeking to discovery what really happens to adopted children, adolescents and young adults.

Apart from the medical aspect, it is important to know how adoption works, as well as the place that adopted children might have in our society. While adoption remains a vast subject, still needing to be discovered, doctors and professionals of childhood will find many answers to their questions in this work.

Jean-Vital de MonléonChildren’s hospital, CHU Dijon, paediatric psychiatrist and researcher in anthropology, member of the High Council on Adoption. Father of 5 children, 3 of whom are adopted.

Jean-Vital de Monléon

Pédiatre, anthropologue, consultation d’adoption outremer, C.H.U. Dijon,

Membre du Conseil national de protection de l’enfance,

Ancien membre du Conseil supérieur de l’adoption

• Auteur de nombreux articles et nombreuses conférences sur l'adoption, auprès de professionnels ou d'association d'adoptants ou d'adoptés, il anime un blog sur le sujet : le blog de l’adoption

• Il est notamment l’auteur de :

N'oublions pas les enfants : adoption homosexuelle et nouvelle parentalité

Naître là-bas, grandir ici : L'adoption internationale

Tu me lis une histoire ? Les deux mamans de Petirou

• Il fonde en 2015, à l‘Université de Bourgogne, le Diplôme Universitaire : L'enfant adopté.
