Atlas of oral and maxillofacial diseases in the foetus, children and teenagers

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 256
Format: 21 x 29,7 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1371-5
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1396-8
Printed in: French
Publication date: 08/11/2013

Book written in French
30 years of practice as a maxillofacial and plastic surgeon and as a paediatric mouth disorders specialist are combined within the pages of this book.
An examination of the face and mouth begins with collecting visual clinical information.
This entails being able to distinguish between what is normal, a variation on what is normal and the pathological which can then be diagnosed.
In today's world, images can be used as a formidable training tool.
A picture speaks a thousand words! A diagnosis can be reached by careful observation and examination, assisted where necessary by an x-ray or more rarely a scan, and can be confirmed by a biopsy.
The eyes must be educated to retrieve the information a photo is intended to provide.
Practitioners must be trained to recognise the different clinical pictures however commonplace or rare.
This book gives them the knowledge they require


1. Orofacial and neck malformations
2. Orofacial tumours and dysplasias
3. Diseases, tumours and dysplasias of the neural crest
4. Vascular, lymphangiomatous and salivary dysplasias
5. Diseases of the orofacial lining in children
6. Stomatitis – Orofacial infectious diseases
7. Acquired orofacial lesions
8. Rare diseases and syndromes
