50 questions sur les Maladies Inflammatoires Chroniques de l'Intestin (MICI)

Coordination éditoriale de Philippe Marteau, Edouard Louis
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A book designed as a “toolbox” to provide practical help on a daily basis

Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 336
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1597-9
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1613-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 02/11/2018

• The purpose of this book is to offer the reader updated information on the diagnosis, organization of care and management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Designed as a “toolbox”, the work is a Question/Answer book.

• 50 mini-chapters grouped by major themes each answer a specific question. All the chapters are written in the first person, to better reflect the experience of its author, and are structured in the same way to harmonize the whole and offer the clinician a quick and synthetic view that can be used as needed.

Based on essential facts, the short and concrete chapters answer the question but also give the vision of the authors who share their specific experiences in the field of the question asked.

• The aim of the authors is to provide gastroenterologists and surgeons with a practice-oriented book that can help and inspire them in their day-to-day work treating patients with IBD.

Philippe Marteau : Service d’hépato-gastroentérologie, Hôpital Saint-Antoine, chef du pôle digestif, Hôpitaux universitaires de l’Est parisien, Paris

Édouard Louis : Chef du département de gastro-entérologie, Hôpital universitaire de Liège, Belgique