Update Gastroenterology 2000

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ISBN : 2-7420-0346-0
Printed in: English

John Libbey Eurotext is continuing to publish the gastroenterology courses given by leading European specialists organised by the EAGE (European Association for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy).
The aim of the book is to present the major clinical and therapeutic advances observed during the year 2000. It pays particular attention to the disease of the oesophagus known as Barrett's disease and to imaging in gastrointestinal tumours and cancer.
o REFLUX OESOPHAGITITIS AND BARRETT’S OESOPHAGUS: LA-classification : pathophysiological and clinical relevance – Recent advances in the pathogenesis of columnar metaplasia – Surveillande of Barrett’s oesophagus : to screen or not to screen ? – New Endoscopic strategies
o RECENT DEVELOMENTS IN GI-ONCOLOGY : Screening – Primary prophylaxis: What is established?- Adjuvant, neoadjuvant chemotherapy – Palliative chemotherapy
o COST EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES IN TUMOUR STAGING AND IMAGING: Oesophagal and gastric carninoma – Pancreatic carcnoma – Liver tumours – Virtual colonoscopy – Laparoscopy: Revival of an old technique? – Summary and conclusions