Targeted therapies in cancerology

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Collection: Mise au Point
Pages: 136
ISBN : 2-7420-0568-4
Printed in: French

Targeted therapies in cancerology, focusing on the family of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors.
Evaluation of HER2 and REGF status by the pathologist.
Monoclonal antibodies and cancer therapy: from biotechnology to antibody-drugs.
Inhibitors of tyrosine kinase activity in EGF receptors: actions and molecules being developed.
Predictive factors in response to anti-REGF therapies.
Statistical methods for evaluating biological response modulators.
Targeted therapies linked with radiotherapy.
EGF receptors in ENT cancers: role and therapeutic implications.
EGF receptors in colorectal cancers: role and therapeutic implications.
EGF receptors in bronchopulmonary cancers: role and therapeutic implications.
Anti-HER2 and anti-EGFR. Clinical applications in breast cancerology.