Neuropsychiatric Issues in Epilepsy

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Pages: 248
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0780-6
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1197-1
Printed in: English
Publication date: 22/06/2010

Book written in english
In addition to the symptoms and signs of their condition, patients with epilepsy also often experience neuropsychiatric disorders which have a significant impact on their quality of life.
Many epileptic patients also suffer from psychosis. Neuropsychiatric development disorders in epileptic children are also common, as are psychiatric problems after surgery for epilepsy. Pre-existing psychiatric problems may result in surgical complications.
The aim of this book is to list the current understanding of neuropsychiatric issues in epilepsy.
Psychiatrists, epilepsy specialists, neurologists, neuropediatricians and surgeons have joined forces to share their experiences and discuss the advances made in this field.
Understanding the mechanisms linking epilepsy to psychiatric disorders makes it possible to establish effective treatments and also improve the quality of life of these patients.
Neuroanatomical bases of the neuropsychiatric syndromes of epilepsy
Antiepileptic drugs and psychosis in epilepsy
Post-ictal psychoses
Psychopathology of epileptic psychosis
Neurophysiological assessment of epileptic psychosis
Treatment of psychosis in patients with epilepsy
Childhood epilepsy-related psychiatric problems
Childhood epilepsy and developmental disorders
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders of children with epilepsy
Behavior disorders in children with epileptic encephalopathies: from concept to treatment
Affective and anxiety disorders in children with epilepsy
Pharmacological treatment of psychopathology of children with epilepsy
Epilepsy and affective disorders
Epilepsy, anxiety and social withdrawal
Neuropsychological study on affective phenomenon in epilepsy
New antiepileptic drugs and cognitive disorders
Epilepsy, surgery and psychopathology
Epilepsy surgery and neuropsychiatry
Cognitive, behavioral and emotional problems of children undergoing epilepsy surgery
Epilepsy surgery in patients with psychiatric disorders