Mémo médecine légale et urgences

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Collection: Collection Mémo
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 172
Format: 11 x 15 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1352-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 20/05/2014

Small book with a handy format, pocket size and easy to consult !
This guide deals with practical aspects of caring for perpetrators or victims of crimes, via an exploration of legal medicine as it applies to the living, thanatology (removing the body and forensic autopsy) being the subject of a more complete work.
Thus for each question dealt with, a short theoretical reminder of the situation is given then the legal texts cited and the practical aspects described.
▪ The first part of this Memo is devoted to medical law and its practical implications.
▪ In the second part, different emergency forensic situations involving the living are described and details of their practical management given.
▪ The third and final part lists, in appendix form, the forensic medicine centres in France and the different types of certificates and declarations that can be issued in emergency situations.
Any information not provided by this handy guide can be found in more exhaustive theoretical books, from appropriate web sites or, for special cases, by telephoning a forensic medicine centre.


Table of content

Medical law and its practical implications
▪ Professional secrecy and exemptions
▪ Healthcare contract/healthcare consent
▪ Medical records (content, access by persons other than legal system representatives)
▪ Medical certificates
▪ Request for information :
- By the legal authority/Recording healthcare files
- By the family of a hospitalised patient
▪ Hospital staff hearings/Legal witnesses
▪ Protected minors and adults
▪ Hospitalisation in the psychiatric unit
▪ Hospitalisation of patients deprived of their freedom (prison detention, administrative detention, held in custody)
▪ Accidents in the workplace
▪ Trusted individual
▪ Advance health care directives
▪ Restricting or stopping active treatments
▪ Hunger strikes

Emergency situations
▪ Voluntary or involuntary violence
▪ Total incapacity for work
▪ Sexual offences
▪ Child abuse
▪ Date rape drug
▪ Knife wounds
▪ Gunshot wounds
▪ Requisitions; Fitness for custody
▪ Alcohol testing
▪ Narcotics testing
▪ Intracorporeal concealment of narcotics
▪ Public intoxication
▪ Non-hospitalisation certificate
▪ Discovery of a weapon on a patient
▪ Discovery of narcotics on a patient
▪ Refusal to accept care
▪ Discharge against medical advice
▪ Escaping from or leaving the hospital unauthorized
▪ Lodging a complaint after an attack on a member of hospital staff
