Epileptic syndromes in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence (4th edition)

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ISBN : 2-7420-0575-7
Printed in: French

The fourth edition of Epileptic syndromes in Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence is based on the syndromic approach to epilepsies that is the trademark of the Marseille School of European epileptology, including new perspectives. It also includes video sequences of the various syndromes on a DVD.
With contributions from leading opinions and authorities from various corners of the world, the 2005 Blue Guide aims at summarizing a new the state of the art of epileptology.
I- Epileptic syndromes in neonates
II- Epileptic syndromes in Infancy and early childhood
III- Epileptic syndromes in childhood
IV- Epileptic syndromes in older children and adolescents
V- Genetically defined epileptic syndromes and specific aetiologies
VI- Annex