Les nouveaux modèles de soins

Une clinique au service de la personne

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Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 224
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1582-5
ISBN élec : 978-2-7040-1604-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 04/10/2018


This book presents the basics of the new care models, not discussed so far in a joint work.

While the traditional care model focused on the concepts of disease and curative treatment, with the person requiring care gradually being obscured by scientific technicalities, the new models, although still fully concerned with scientific fundamentals, converge around the preoccupations at the heart of the oldest clinical practice requirements and today’s societal expectations regarding care and: 

• lean on the resources and aspirations of the person receiving the care;

• recognize the person’s history and experience as an essential source of knowledge;

• involve the person as a decision-maker in keeping with his/her values;

• require that the clinician pay attention to the relationship between the caregiver and the person receiving the care;

• rehabilitate qualitative methods and resorting to human sciences…

The influence of this paradigm shift, a real scientific revolution, will impact all the disciplines associated with care, particularly the disciplines directly related to the medical, social or nursing sciences.

This book, for the first time, describes the principles common to all the models, presents the most dynamic of them, highlights the concrete clinical developments to which they have given rise and underlines their synergy with evidence-based clinical practices.




Part 1

Towards a subject of care

Evidence and complex interventions in psychotherapies

Limitations of the model of the disease and psychodynamic contributions

The patient and his/her double

Approach based on capabilities

The shared decision

Part 2

The person and his/her resources

Care and positive psychology

Developments in remediation

Current contributions of hypnosis

Person-centred psychiatry

New person-centred approaches: pluralistic therapy

Part 3

Care pathway and values

Effects of truth as a value in psychiatry and psychoanalysis

Caring and supportive care

Advances in narrative medicine

Perspectives for recovery

Value-based clinic practices: new frontiers



Arnaud Plagnol : psychiatre, Professeur de psychologie à l’Université Paris 8 (Vincennes -Saint-Denis)

Bernard Pachoud : psychiatre,Professeur de psychopathologie, Directeur de recherches à l’Université Paris 7(Paris-Diderot)•

Bernard Granger : psychiatre,Professeur de psychiatrie à l’université Paris Descartes,Directeur de l’unité de psychiatriedel’Hôpital Cochin, Paris,Fondateur et co-rédacteur en chef de la revue Psychiatrie, Sciences humaines, Neurosciences.