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Collection: Eurocancer
Pages: 352
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0717-2
Printed in: French
Publication date: 23/06/2008

Book written in english and in french.
For the past 21 years, EUROCANCER has been the witness to and driving force behind many scientific advances, medical breakthroughs and profound changes in Oncological practice.
This 2008 edition clearly reflects this role.
There have been major scientific advances in clarifying the role played by the parts of the human genome considered to be non coding, particularly in carcinogenesis.
Considerable medical progress, has been made in the fields of diagnosis and tumour typing, their exploration using imaging and biological methods, their prognostic classification and the available therapeutic options which are even more numerous and specific.
Profound changes in medical practice have taken place, both through the development of community care networks and the rise of local or regional centres of expertise clustered around biotechnology platforms ensuring a permanent link between research and the care actually dispensed.
This 2008 edition provides an exhaustive update of current knowledge for all Doctors, Researchers, Pharmacists and Paramedical staff working in the field of oncology.
The greatest reward for the combined efforts of those involved has been the satisfaction and continuing interest expressed by participants in this year's Eurocancer.