Targeting Erb-B/HER receptors

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ISBN : 978-2-7420-0681-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 11/06/2008

Book written in french.
Targeted therapies now play a major role owing to the outstanding results this group of innovative approaches has had with regard to several malignant diseases.
This book is dedicated to a target that has particular importance in oncology, EGF family receptors, whose value has been validated by the discovery and launch of several medicinal products.
This book is divided into three parts:
- A basic section, which is indispensable to the understanding of what receptors are and the role they play in oncogenesis.
- A pharmacological part showing how the targets were identified, how the molecules were designed and developed.
- A clinical part describing the clinical trials leading to the transformation of these molecules into active medicinal products.
Each chapter has been written by a reputed specialist who has personally contributed to the discovery and development of the field of EGF receptor targeting.