Allergies and anaesthesia

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Collection: EJD Book Series
Pages: 100

Seminar on clinical and allergy-related immunology, Lyon, 17-18 June 2004
The seminars on clinical and allergy-related immunology are organised as part of continuing medical training at the Lyon Hospices Civils. Every year they offer an overview of a subject related to the use of drugs in the treatment of allergies.
The theme selected for the 2004 seminar is anaesthesia.
This year, the published proceedings will not include the "physiopathology of the auto-immune and allergy-related response" part of the seminar on the latest findings of basic research, which has been omitted in order to focus on the clinical and practical aspects.
These updates on techniques for diagnosis and therapy are vital to researchers and doctors interested in clinical immunology, intolerance to drugs, and the study of allergies.
- Allergie et pseudo-allergie. Quand la physiopathologie aide la clinique
- Epidémiologie des accidents per-anesthésiques et nouveautés
- Anaphylaxie per-opératoire. Physiopathologie et traitement
- Diagnostic biologique : état actuel et perspectives
- Facteurs favorisant les accidents allergiques et pseudo-allergiques
- Eruption cutanée retardée post chirurgicale
- L’allergie à l’iode existe-t-elle ?
- Problèmes posés par le latex et les médicaments. Conseils pratiques
- La prévention du risque allergique est-elle possible ?
- Conclusions et perspectives