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Collection: Polémiques
Publisher: DOIN
Pages: 238
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7040-1761-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 06/03/2025

In mental health, involving people in the care that concerns them is a major and essential step forward. This inclusive approach :

- recognises the expertise of the person concerned and enhances their autonomy and well-being;

- establishes a relationship of trust between the person, their family and friends and healthcare professionals;

- reduces the risk of disagreements or inappropriate treatment;

- promotes mutual collaboration and improves the quality of care.

The Collectif national pour le déploiement des directives anticipées psychiatriques (DAP in French - advance psychiatric directives - APDs) provides an in-depth analysis of :

- concepts and issues, from clinical, legal and scientific perspectives

- four existing systems in France;

- challenges and solutions for implementing directives in France;

- feedback from French and international experiences.

The book offers a comprehensive and innovative insight into the potential of APDs, with a view to promoting a practice that respects people's rights and is geared towards their recovery. It is a reference document for all professionals interested in innovation in psychiatry. The practical recommendations provided by thirty expert authors make it an invaluable guide to helping you apply these tools.

Find several documents to download at https://leguidedesdap.livres.jle.com/

Aurélie Tinland, praticienne hospitalière, psychiatre responsable de l'équipe MARSS, Hôpitaux de Marseille, et chercheuse en santé publique (chargée de projet pour les recommandations santé mentale précarité) à la Haute Autorité de santé

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