La Théorie de l’Endobiogénie - Volume 3

Concepts fondamentaux du traitement des états cliniques courants

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: TEC & DOC
Pages: 232
Format: 21,5 x 27,5 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7430-2715-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 21/11/2024

This book addresses the main agents of the adaptive response to stressors: the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the corticotropic axis, immunity and digestive tract function. Designed for clinical practice, it offers clear guidance on treating the root cause of many common disorders, and on symptomatically treating the destabilizing factor in a wide range of conditions, from depression to irritable bowel syndrome, from migraines to insomnia and spasmophilia.


  • To extend the concepts of integrative global systems physiology to practical applications in the clinic.
  • Explain in detail the information provided by history, clinical examination and biological modeling, and explain their links with the autonomic nervous system, the corticotropic axis, hepatobiliary function and exocrine pancreatic function.
  • Detail the root causes, mechanisms, symptoms and treatments of immune disorders, dysbiosis, infectious diseases and spasmophilia, as well as hepatobiliary and pancreatic insufficiency and congestion.
  • Present the materia medica of 22 key medicinal plants, with a summary of their mode of action and indications based on endobiogenic theory.
  • Suggest mono-diets and specific dietary advice adapted to the patient.

The book is aimed at all doctors, whether general practitioners or specialists, who wish to approach the patient in his or her functional wholeness, as well as medical and biology students.

Kamyar M. Hedayat - spécialiste international de la recherche et de la formation en endobiogénie. Il est médecin en soins intensifs formé à l’université de Stanford (États-Unis), il pratique la médecine endobiogénique depuis 2008.

Jean-Claude Lapraz - impliqué dans la recherche et la formation en endobiogénie depuis 1983. Médecin formé à Paris-Descartes, il est codéveloppeur des enseignements originaux de l’endobiogénie avec le Dr Christian Duraffourd (décédé en 2017). Il enseigne et pratique l’endobiogénie depuis 1972.

Les docteurs Hedayat et Lapraz sont cofondateurs de l’American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrative Physiology et coprésidents du Systems Biology Research Group.

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