Technologies numériques, protection des données et vie privée

Quels enjeux pour la transition énergétique ?

Coordination éditoriale de Cécile Caron
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Collection: EDF R&D
Publisher: TEC & DOC
Pages: 350
Format: 15,5 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7430-2762-9
Printed in: French
Publication date: 10/04/2025

In the digital era, the notion of privacy is undergoing profound transformations and significant extensions, in line with the ever-increasing digitization of all spheres of our lives.

Three major inflections constitute a new context reconfiguring privacy issues and their implementation:

- The development of technologies that multiply personal data and are likely to penetrate individual privacy (artificial intelligence, blockchains, sensors) ;

- the need to implement a new regulatory framework (RGPD);

- the emergence of awareness and social mobilization around this issue of protecting individual freedoms.

In the energy sector, this issue takes on an unprecedented cruciality in connection with the digitization of energy infrastructures, which is reshaping consumption and production patterns in a period of energy transition.

This book uses case studies from the energy sector to examine the way in which these issues play out in different private, public and professional spaces, and to examine privacy issues through a multidisciplinary approach.

Cécile Caron est sociologue au sein du Groupe de recherche énergie, technologies et sociétés (GRETS) à la R&D d’EDF, EDF Lab Paris-Saclay.

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