Functioning and Management of Shrunken Forest ecosystems in the Sahel

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Collection: Hors collection
Co-Publisher: ORSTOM / John Libbey Eurotext
Pages: 280

The droughts affecting the Sahel region in recent decades have shone a harsh light on the imbalance between the productive capacity of ecosystems and the needs of a growing population.
The problem of deforestation, especially in urban centers, has produced many programs to replant forests and to protect existing resources.
Many of these attempts to regenerate the region's forests have not succeeded, but they have nevertheless given rise to a body of practical experience in approaching Africa's ecological challenges.
All the French and African experts grappling with deforestation problems have contributed to the book, describing their work, the current state of knowledge, and some solutions that could be applied to limit forest destruction in Africa.
This book will interest agronomy, forestry, hydrology and soil engineers specializing in developing countries, especially the Sahel region.