The multiplicity of products and activities that come together in a research or analysis laboratory generates specific risks.
This fully updated 4th edition takes into account most of the most of the occupational hazards present in laboratories, and incorporates french and european regulations. It is a major collective work, bringing together a multi-disciplinary team team of recognized specialists. As such, it retains the qualities and principles that made the success of the first three editions.
The aim is to provide specific answers to the many questions that may be raised by questions that may arise in the field of risk prevention for laboratory staff and line managers managers: technicians, engineers, researchers, department heads, etc. The result is a compendium of best practices for handling and protecting the health of operators.
Chapters cover:
regulations and legal liability;
risk prevention in chemistry, biology, linked to the ionizing and non-ionizin radiations, equipments, etc. ;
medical surveillance;
communication between members of the laboratory for a better prevention;
not forgetting human behavior, which is at the root of most accidents.
This reference work is intended for all laboratory personnel, whether analysis laboratories. It has been designed to be an indispensable work tool in both public and private laboratories, both public and private, providing practical answers to the risky situations situations encountered on a daily basis by laboratory staff.
All royalties are donated to the Association de toxicologie-chimie (ATC), public utility association:
Download the appendices at
Jean Ducret, docteur en chimie-physique, ingénieur de recherche au CNRS, est l’un des fondateurs de l’Association de prévention appliquée aux risques industriels.
André Picot (†), ingénieur chimiste, docteur ès-sciences, a été directeur de recherche honoraire du CNRS, toxicochimiste et le créateur de l’unité de prévention du risque chimique du CNRS.