Infusion and catheterisation

Devices, practices and thoughts

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Collection: Hors collection
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 168
Format: 14,8 x 21 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1377-8
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1416-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 29/10/2015

• Neither a book of medicine nor a book of physics; a work in which the authors expose the physical principles in action in the administration of medicinal products by parenteral route and how these principles influence the medicinal dose received by the patient, their comfort during treatment and, in the extreme cases, blood reflux obstructions and risks of pathogenic contamination and thrombosis.

• The authors recall the physical laws of flows: pressure, flow rate, resistance, viscosity, temperature, etc., compare them to the systems of administration (short tubes, long, spiral, anti-reflux valve, etc.) and draw factual conclusions from these.

• Their aim is that, equipped with the basic principles reviewed here, all care personnel will be able to understand the recommendations and protocols of care in force at their site of practice, and improve them if necessary.

• Briefly, the reading of this book can contribute to better understanding, simplifying and improving the safety of administration of medicinal products by parenteral route.



1- What is the impact of the material of the infusion line ?
2- Does the perfusate influence perfusion
3- What is the "motor" of injection ?
4- Infusion and rinsing. Are the privileged sites of pollution in an infusion line ?
5- What is the impact of the host of the catheter ?

Reviews of venous anatomy
Pressures and flows
Units of vascular access