Pluripotent Stem Cells: Therapeutic Perspectives and Ethical Issues

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 72
ISBN : 2-7420-0368-1
Printed in: French

International Workshop organised by the Marcel Mérieux Foundation, 21-23 June 2000
The debate over the ethical issues raised by stem cell research concerns essentially the practice of taking cells from human embryos and the consequent destruction of the embryo.
This work, going to the heart of the controversy over such manipulations, discusses the ethical question of the legal status of the embryo.
At the moment when, in France, the bioethics laws have come up for review, questions regarding the statute of the embryo return in the heart of scientific debates. Break-throughs in the field of embryonic stem cell biology offer a glimpse of the considerable therapeutic possibilities. Research Institutes and Governments, hailed by these new therapeutic perspectives, are attempting to put in place modes of regulation this research that both respond to citizen’s aspirations and conform to ethical norms.
The book, produced under the aegis of the Mérieux Foundation, is the first in a scientific series to be published simultaneously in French and English.
• Implementation of complete differentiation programs by lineage precursor cell lines
• Directed differentiation of dendritic cells from mouse embryonic stem cells: a novel tool for identifying targets for immunotherapy
• Bone marrow-derived myogenic stem cells: a therapeutic alternative for muscular dystrophy.?
• Ethical, legal and regulatory issues in the use of human embryonic stem cells in France
• Ethical, and biological aspects concerning the use of human embryonic stem cells and the legal situation in Germany
• Ethical, legal and regulatory issues in the use of human embryonic stem cells in United Kingdom
• The moral status of the embryo and the politics of human stem cell research
• Are all cells derived from an embryo themselves embryos ?
• Discussion