L'informatisation des cabinets médicaux

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Collection: Congrès et Colloques
Co-Publisher: Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique (SNIP) / John Libbey Eurotext
Pages: 96
ISBN : 2-7420-0178-6
Printed in: French

Facts and opinions gathered from 1,720 French general practitioners.
The computerization of medical practices is one of the measures stipulated in France in the 24 April 1996 Order.
However, doctors are still poorly informed about computerization: they do not understand all its drawbacks, do not fully appreciate its advantages, and their opinions on the subject are rarely sought.
The results published in this book reveal the importance attached to computerization by general practitioners, analysed according to their age, sex and the type of patients they treat.
This fascinating study provides an insight into doctors' attitudes as they prepare for a radical cultural and technological change.