Soins et handicap mental

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Collection: Books-e-Books
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 128
Format: 12 x 20 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1509-3
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1542-0
Printed in: French
Discipline: Multidisciplinary
Publication date: 10/10/2018

The life expectancy of people with mental disabilities has tripled in 50 years. The care needs of a person with a mental disability are higher than those of the general population. They require about two and a half times more care. Although the care provided to people with mental disabilities is of course similar to that provided to other patients, the conditions in which the care is provided are very different.

The care providing relationship is harder to establish for obvious reasons related to the difficulties in understanding and communicating with people with mental disabilities. And without complacency, they and their relatives testify that they often feel victims of a form of abuse. The situation requires that care practices, ethics and the communication between carers and hose receiving care be examined.

Care providers admit to having difficulties when managing these patients. They are not trained to deal with mental disability! That is why these professionals need help to understand what is at play in the care providing relationship in such situations.

In this book, the author defends the rights of people with disabilities, provides information on the specificities of patients with mental disabilities and offers practical advice on how to better treat mentally-disabled subjects.

The book is intended for all professionals who have to take care of patients with mental disabilities. It will also be of interest to all personnel wondering about the care providing relationship as well as those interested in disability.

The “Books-e-books” collection offers dual media (paper and digital) books on socio-professional and technical subjects. The collection aims to provide practical solutions to care providers.



• Part 1. An unacceptable inventory and the dissatisfaction of all

• Part 2. Understanding mental disability and the mentally-disabled patient

• Part 3. Understanding the care providing relationship in the context of mental disability

• Part 4. How to better care for the mentally-disabled patient

Dr Charles LECLERC : Médecin anesthésiste, Service de chirurgie et d’anesthésie ambulatoire, Fondation hospitalière de la Miséricorde, Caen