Mémo Urgences (3e édition)

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Collection: Collection Mémo
Publisher: ARNETTE
Pages: 172
Format: 11 x 16 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7184-1486-7
ISBN élec : 978-2-7184-1528-4
Printed in: French
Publication date: 28/06/2018

Since it was first published in 2010, the success of Mémo Urgences has never fluctuated, and the authors have now put together a 3rd updated edition with an extensive table of contents and integrating several significant developments in the handling of emergency situations and new assessment and classification tools.

Companion of emergency room actors, Mémo Urgences is intended above all to be a practical and synthetic guide. It does not pretend to be exhaustive, but focuses on essentials in a pocket format, to be used once a presumptive diagnosis has been made or the diagnosis confirmed. The information is broken down into three types of cards: therapeutic cards, scores, criteria and classification cards, and pharmacological cards. The cards can be accessed by either a thematic or alphabetical search. One chapter is devoted exclusively to the children while all the others relate to adult emergencies.

Mémo Urgences was designed to be used at the heart of the action. We have no doubt that it will be useful to you and hope you will keep it close at hand under all circumstances!

François Belotte : Médecin anesthésiste réanimateur, Hôpital Simone-Veil, Eaubonne,Val d’Oise. Chef de service du SMUR de 1992 à 2015, Chef du pôle Urgences de 2009 à 2015

Emmanuel Cassanas : Infirmier anesthésiste urgentiste, Fondateur et directeur du centre de formation continue Action Santé, puis du Groupe Doxea