Encouraging innovation in countries with a state-run price system

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Collection: Congrès et Colloques
Co-Publisher: Syndicat National de l'Industrie Pharmaceutique (SNIP) / John Libbey Eurotext
Pages: 112
ISBN : 2-7420-0238-3
Printed in: French

The debate on the cost of innovation and the adoption of therapeuticn innovation is directly connected with inter-community and inter-state competition, as far as industrial and economic added value are concerned. It determines the ability of any member state to attract investment and to develop on its own soil an added value greater than
that of its competitors.
In France, insofar as the state finances the health system and, as part of that system, medical drugs, it also controls and implements pricing.
How does this system affect our ability to become part of the single market?
• The impact of medical drugs on life expectancy
• Scales for evaluating reimbursements of medical expenses
• How long innovations take to enter the market
• Spread of innovation in various countries, and how quickly it enters the system
• Innovation and parallel markets
• The price of innovation: a community approach
• Policies on state-regulated health in France after Frankfurt II.