Atlas of Health in France Volume 2 Diseases and behaviours

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ISBN : 2-7420-0584-6
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2006

At a time of major debates on what direction our health system should be taking, several indicators look encouraging, particularly life expectancy. Nonetheless, the prevailing view seems to be one of gloom and anxiety among both health professionals and the general public.
Despite a health system that is open to all, France is the European country that has the greatest inequality in access to treatment.
This second volume of the Atlas of Health underlines the inequality of French people where health care is concerned. Social norms and behaviours vary from one region to another, revealing a certain "health culture".
Using indicators for the health of the population in general, over and above health service statistics, the Atlas looks at the health of French people in terms of four broad themes: risks and behaviours, birth, public nutrition and death rates.
The Atlas brings together previously unpublished data that suggest new ways forward for public health.