Prise en charge pharmaceutique des patients cancéreux

Rôle des pharmaciens hospitaliers et officinaux

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Pages: 120
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0701-1
Printed in: French
Publication date: 09/06/2009

Book Written in French
After having stated the role of hospital and retail-based pharmacists in the management of cancer patients, the work presents the securing of the chemotherapy channel within hospital establishments, as well as across a sample of home hospitalization.
Then, the example of a regional cancerology network, with its setup, organization and the definition of its missions, is analyzed.
The roles and implications expected of hospital and private pharmacists in these private-public networds are recorded.
The authors finally insist on the specificity of anti-tumour treatments by oral route, as well as care in oncology, which requires the pharmaceutical monitoring specific to the patients.