Acute diarrhea in children

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Pages: 120
ISBN : 2-7420-0218-9
Printed in: French

The intestinal mucous membrane is the principal site for penetration of the body by infectious agents. Newborn babies and young children are particularly exposed to diarrheas caused by the pathogenic action of these agents.
While diarrhea in children is very frequently encountered and perfectly well known and treated, it is nonetheless the primary cause of illness and mortality in developing countries. Its socioeconomic burden in the developed countries (medical costs and loss of productivity) cannot be ignored. It is therefore necessary to thoroughly understand its mechanisms and correctly identify pathogenic agents for optimum treatment. That is the purpose of this work, edited by Dr. Christophe Dupont and written by the best specialists in pediatric gastroenterology.
Whether they are of bacterial, viral or parasitic origin, diarrheas of different types are encountered according to the geographical origin and age of patients. For this reason, the authors pay very detailed attention to describing the agents responsible for diarrheas: bacteria (S. and B Aureus, Salmonella…), viruses (rotavirus, calicivirus, astrovirus…) and nosocomial rotavirus infections which develop in pediatric wards.
Treatments of diarrheas by oral rehydration and antibiotics are largely commented on, as is the principle of early renutrition, of which the authors provide full details.
A clear and concise topical work which is essential reading for pediatricians and general practitioners.