Kidney Cancer in Adults

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Pages: 148
ISBN : 2-7420-0255-3
Printed in: French

This book, which is extremely pratical and well illustrated, offers readers an overall approach, providing the most up-to-date information on the treatment and follow-up of kidney cancer and giving straightforward answers to the questions doctors ask.
Gérard Benoît describes clearly how genetic diagnosis procedures have led to major progress in detecting the disease at an early stage, enabling treatment to start as soon as possible. He gives full details of the various histological forms of kidney cancer, prognosis and the contribution of new markers.
The author also focuses on the detection of pre-cancerous lesions and the discovery of new aspects, particularly chromophobic cell carcinoma. Considerable progress has been made in giving a prognosis for such tumours, due especially to genetic decoding of the various histological forms.
Thanks to the effectiveness of current methods of medical imaging, about a third of cases of kidney cancer are now discovered by chance as a result of ultrasound scans. The book therefore gives thorough coverage of imaging techniques (ultrasound, tomodensitometry, MRI, arteriography, etc.) through a selection of more than 60 annotated documents, making up a diagnostic guide that will prove invaluable to many doctors.
Finally, all the surgical techniques in use are described (full nephrectomy, laparoscopy, etc.), dealing in turn with: principle, approach, technique, indication and results.