Prostate cancer

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Pages: 160
ISBN : 2-7420-0253-7
Printed in: French

Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men over 50 and its incidence increases with age. In France, 26,500 new cases were reported in 1995.
As the population is ageing overall, prostate cancer has now become a real public health issue. The number of sufferers in industrialised countries has been estimated at one million, making it the second most common cause of death from cancer among men.
This book gives an overview of the diagnostic, clinical and therapeutic progress now available to doctors.
It focuses in particular on the importance of early diagnosis. Although it is sometimes difficult to generalise, the authors distinguish localised cancer from more advanced forms. For each category they define specific therapeutic strategies and types of treatment: radiotherapy, curietherapy, surgery and hormone therapy are all described in detail.
The book looks closely at how the illness is treated and how the quality of life - and survival - of the patient can be extended. So-called "catching up" treatment is dealt with here, as well as the range of therapies that can improve patients' sense of well-being, such as urinary deviation, pain relief, treatment of bone metastasis and so on.
The authors, who are acknowledged experts, set out to underline the multidisciplinary aspect of caring for people suffering from prostate cancer, as they believe that is the only way of ensuring patients' independence and improving their quality of life.