The endometrium

Present and future

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 450
ISBN : 978-2-7420-0696-0
Printed in: French
Publication date: 06/04/2009

Of mesenchymatous origin, the endometrium is a remarkable tissue endowed with both memory and plasticity. It is a hormone-sensitive target tissue but also secretes its own substances, governed by the constant changes women undergo in the course of their lives.
It is active from the pre-pubertal period until the menopause… and beyond.
It plays a key role in procreation. At each stage of life, it can develop diseases and become dysfunctional. It is also sensitive to the effects of other diseases, whether gynaecological, general, metabolic, infectious or environmental in nature, and to the treatments administered for them.
A fine-tuned understanding of its function during the menstrual cycle, angiogenesis and both implantation and development of the embryo, and progress in the treatments available for the diseases it presents are a major public health concern in fields as sensitive as infertility, repeated abortions, menometrorrhagia and cancer, etc..
This is the first French-language book on the endometrium in nine years to cover such diverse subjects as research, clinical practice, imagery and therapies making it a unique reference textbook.
This book was jointly written by the Groupe d’Études et de Recherche sur l’Endomètre (Endometrium Study and Research Group or GERE) and the Groupe de Recherche et d’Étude du Placenta (Placenta Study and Research Group or GREP), both of which are members of the Société Française de Gynéco-Pathologie (French Gynaecology-Disease Society.