New horizons in gastrointestinal and liver diseases: mechanisms and management

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Collection: Hors collection
Pages: 204
ISBN : 2-7420-0287-1
Printed in: English

The EAGE is proud to present another postgraduate course at the European Gastroenterology Week in Rome (November 1999). As in previous years, authors have selected topics which are rapidly developping and for which there is need to communicate new information. For Roma 1999, nine topics have been chosen, each subject to a pair of presentation, the first on new disease mechanisms and the second on recent developments in clinical management. As in previoux years, EAGE has been fortunate to be able to attract an outstanding faculty all of whom have international reputations in their field and are active laboratory or clinical investigators.
In the upper gastrointestinal tract, the editors have focused on gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, gastric cancer and non ulcer dyspepsia and in the lower gut on coeliac disease. Crohn’s disease and the irritable bowel syndrome. The final session covers viral hepatitis, liver fibrosis and panceatitis.
As a conclusion, this book contains the state-on-the-art and constitues an important resource at least through the year 2000.

• Mechanism of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease targets for anti-reflux therapy, J.-P. Galmiche, F. Zerbib
• Management of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, J. Labenz
• Molecular mechanism in gastric carcinogenesis, P. Sipponen
• Gastric cancer management 1999, G.N.J. Tytgat
• Mechanisms underlying non-ulcer dyspepsia, A.J.P.M. Smout
• Update on the management of non-ulcer dyspepsia, K.E.L. McCol
• Pathogenetic mechanisms in coeliac disease, S. Auricchio
• Immunoregulatory mechanisms in inflammatory bowel disease, S. Schreiber
• Management of Crohn’s disease, P. Rutgeerts, G. D’Haens
• Pathophysiological machanisms in irritable bowel syndrome, S.M. Collins
• Management of irritable bowel syndrome, J.R. Malagelada
• Chronic viral hepatitis : mechanisms of viral clearance and viral persistance, P. Ferenci
• Viral hepatitis : new approaches to management, S. W. Schalm
• Mechanisms if liver fibrosis, M.J.P. Arthur
• Management of liber fiibrosis, J. Cabelleria
• Pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis, C. Rosé, G. Telek
• Acute pancreatits : concepts and trends in diagnosis and treatment, S. Kahl, P. Malfertheiner