Cryptogenetic inflammatory diseases of the intestine

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Pages: 236
ISBN : 2-7420-0296-0
Printed in: French

Cryptogenetic inflammatory diseases of the intestine
The CIDI 99 symposium was held at a turning point in the history of cryptogenetic inflammatory disorders of the intestine (CIDI). After 20 years of ambiguous physiopathological research and therapeutic advances centred more on tolerance to drugs than on their efficacity, a breakthrough was made in the speed and nature of knowledge acquisition. It came in three ways: through determination of the genetic loci of susceptibility to CIDI and the imminent cloning of some predisposition genes; the availability of new animal models; and the appearance of new drugs created thanks to biotechnology based on new understanding of the mechanisms of immunity and inflammation.
This work, grouping papers by top international specialists, provides a roundup of all these crucial advances.
Genetics and laboratory session
Inflammatory bowel disease treatment
Animal models, cytokines and autoantibodies
Inflammatory bowel disease and ostearticular problems
Post-resection recurrence in crohn’s disease
Inflammatory bowel disease surgery
Cancer, drug resistance in inflammatory bowel disease
Crohn’s disease subtyping and imaging
Includes texts in French and English