Gut Microflora Digestive physiology and Pathology

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ISBN : 2-7420-0585-4
Printed in: English

The Human Body – a master of adaptation- has learnt how to exploit to its own advantage the many and various species which compose the gut microflora and which mediate multiple physiological roles: fermentation, immunoregulatory activity, effects on intestinal motility, vascularisation and trophicity, dans defences against infectious agents.
The relationship between host and microflora that defines the “intestinal ecosystem”. However, balance in this ecosystem is fragile and its perturbation is involved in the pathogenesis of diverse digestive conditions.
In recent years, the importance of the microflora has inspired a great deal of research based on the tools of modern molecular biology and medicine.
The purpose of this profoundly mutlidiscilplinary volume is to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date review of what is known about the gut microflora and its impact on digestive physiology and pathology for physicians, pharmacists, veterinarians, researchs and students interested in this fascinating subject.
1-Gut microflora
- Study methods
- Establishment and composition of the gut microflora
- Factors controlling the bacterial microflora
- Definitions and mechanisms of action of probiotics and prebiotics
2-Gut microflora in physiology and pathogenesis
- Main metabolic functions of the human Intestinal Mircoflora
- Intestinal Microflora and Intraluminal Gas
- Microflora and colonic motility
- Gut micorflora and the colonic epithelium
- Influence of the intestinal microflora on host Imuunity: normal physiological conditions
- Influence of the intestinal microflora on host himmunity
- Commensal colonic microflora and infectious Diarrhea
- Microflora and Diarrhoea: antibiotic-associated diarrhea
3- The value of administering live organisms
- Probiotics and digestive problems
- Example of a medicinal probiotic