Weight and obesity

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Pages: 234
ISBN : 2-7420-0229-4
Printed in: French

This wide-ranging book is intended for all doctors who would like to acquire a fuller understanding of patients who have a weight problem and to be able to offer them better treatment and assistance.
It provides the keys - the basic points, in other words - to that understanding, as well as all the elements of a clinical and therapeutic approach.

The book describes the various forms of obesity: from severe obesity that has a strong genetic component to more moderate weight gain in later life which may be due to eating disorders.

First and foremost, although the treatment of overweight patients comes under the heading of internal medicine, it is on a psychological level that the greatest demands are made. Jean-Michel Lecerf focuses at length on this essential aspect of medical practice.

The scientific and medical reality of obesity, so often neglected by the medical profession, is rehabilitated in this highly accessible book, which is punctuated with numerous summary texts.