The pathologies of male ageing

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Pages: 140
ISBN : 2-7420-0401-7
Printed in: French

The gradual increase in life expectancy in industrialised countries has resulted in greater frequency of pathologies directly influenced by ageing.
Older adult men are specifically exposed to the appearance of an "androgenic deficit due to age" of varying and non-systematic intensity, leading to repercussions or specific complications such as sexual dysfunction, urination problems, prostate lesions, osteoporosis, an increase in the proportion of visceral fat and the accompanying cardiovascular risks.
These varied pathologies are liable to benefit from effective treatment, tailored to each case.
This book provides an overview of the different manifestations of male ageing, covering the psychological, pathological and therapeutic aspects.
Generously illustrated and featuring summary charts, it will help doctors to identify accurately the relevant physiopathological mechanisms and to weigh carefully the benefits and drawbacks of various types of treatment.
Thus the book offers a clear response to all the questions practitioners may ask, such as: - When, how, why and for whom should androgenotherapy be used? - How long should treatment last? - How should the patient be monitored?

Au sommaire :

Aspects physiologiques
- Equilibre hormonal de l’homme adulte.
- Libido, fonction érectile, aspects physiologiques
- Spermatogenèse et fertilité normales
- Physiologie prostatique de l’homme adulte normal
- Equilibre vésico-sphinctérien physiologique
- Masse corporelle - Equilibre métabolique physiologique

Aspects pathologiques
- Hypogonadisme, andropause
- Gynécomastie
- Ostéoporose masculine
- Troubles de la fonction sexuelle
- Troubles mictionnels – infections urinaires
- Pathologies prostatiques de l’homme âgé

Aspects thérapeutiques
- Interférences médicamenteuses avec les fonctions « andrologiques », médicaments androgéniques et anti-androgéniques exceptés
- Médicaments androgéniques et anti-androgéniques
- Androgénothérapie