Novelties in clinical pharmacy and biology

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ISBN : 978-2-7420-0675-5
Printed in: French

A book written in French.
This interdisciplinary work provides an update on recent findings in Endocrine and Metabolic Biology.
The first sessions describes the history and future of medically assisted procreation.
The clinical aspects of MAP and the role of the biologist in these increasingly highly specialised methods are described. The pharmacological aspects related to obtaining ovocytes via ovarian stimulation are also covered.
The second session is devoted to the genetic aspects of diabesity (diabetes coupled with obesity). The epidemiology of obesity in adults and children and the biological markers of diabesity are outlined.
The last session discusses the biological and epidemiological aspects of hormone replacement therapy for the menopause.
This sections deals particularly with whether hormonal treatments protect against or promote breast cancer.
The session for interns is devoted to the future of this French hospital position in general and to interns in pharmacy in particular.
Lectures given during the Journées de l’internat
- Reproductive biology
- Diabesity and metabolic syndrome
- Hormone replacement therapy in 2006
- Biology presentations related to the themes discussed
- Biology presentations on a free theme
- Diverse pharmacy presentations