Schizophrénie et cognition

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Pages: 146
ISBN : 2-7420-0495-5
Printed in: French
Publication date: 01/06/2004

Schizophrenia is one of the most disabling psychiatric pathologies. It affects about 1% of the population and in clinical terms displays a wide range of pathological pictures with extremely variable individual and social consequences.
After examining the brain function aspects using anatomo-pathological and neuro-biological techniques, the authors turn to the study of brain function using methods taken from cognitive science. This enables them to pinpoint cognitive deficits in patients, and particularly memory dysfunctions. Because of the connections these have with consciousness, the model put forward by J.M. Danion allocates a leading role to dysfunctions of autonoetic consciousness, a form of subjective consciousness that is indissociable from individual identity.
The future of schizophrenia treatment relies to a great extent on the insights provided by this viewpoint: the cognitive rehabilitation techniques and antipsychotic therapy of tomorrow.
After a clinical overview, the authors describe in turn the principal functions of cognition, with a modern taxonomy of the memory, then the chief tools and exploratory tasks of cognitive function, including those areas that are different in schizophrenia.
This book, written by distinguished specialists with clinicians in mind, is very clear and educational. It suggests new ways forward, pointing to experimental procedures in psychopharmacology that may later be extended to other psychotic pathologies.

- Rappel clinique
- Les tests de personnalité
- Evaluations neuropsychologiques
- Théories neuroanatomiques
- Systématique de la mémoire
- Les tâches d’évaluation des fonctions cognitives et de la mémoire
- Tâches d’évaluation de l’attention
- Evaluation des fonctions exécutives
- Les domaines du fonctionnement cognitif altérés dans la schizophrénie
- Les troubles de la mémoire
- La schizophrénie, pathologie de la conscience ?
- Les modèles
- La métamémoire dans la schizophrénie
- Exploration des souvenirs épisodiques et autobiographiques dans la schizophrénie
- Réhabilitation et schizophrénie
- Que dire des conséquences du traitement de la schizophrénie sur le fonctionnement cognitif des patients ?