Les cibles de l’immunité

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Pages: 85
Format: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN : 978-2-7420-1093-6
ISBN élec : 978-2-7420-1403-3
Printed in: French
Publication date: 03/09/2014

The onset of cancer actually reflects the inability of this immune system to control the growth of the tumour cell. This tolerance goes a great way toward explaining the difficulties of cancer immunotherapy.
These failures quickly showed the limits of our knowledge in immunology, and it is only through recent advances in immunology that new hopes for therapy have arisen.
It is now recognised that the agonistic or antagonistic activity of the antibody plays a role in response to therapy; the recruiting of cellular effectors seems to be a determining factor in the clinical efficacy of monoclonal antibodies.
This new volume is rich in lessons on recent advances in cancer immunotherapy. It revisits the difficulties of the past and puts them in perspective with the knowledge that has led to progress in this therapeutic field. The diversity of approaches illustrates the complexity of the mechanisms involved which only modern biology can dissect.

  • ADCC and anti-cancer immunotherapy
  • Natural killer cells and anti-tumour immunity
  • Interactions between the immune system and conventional cancer treatments
  • Interferon and anti-cancer immunity
  • Adoptive immunotherapy and cancer
  • Vaccine-based strategies and cancer
  • Regulator T-cells: role and targeting in cancer