Depression in women

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Pages: 140
ISBN : 2-7420-0417-3
Printed in: French

Depression is one of the most frequently occurring conditions in psychiatry, and is particularly common among women.
This clear and detailed book describes all the indications of depression that may emerge during a woman's life, from premenstrual dysphoria to the emotional reactions caused by the diagnosis of breast cancer or cancer of the uterus. The entire perinatal period – pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum – is examined in detail, along with possible repercussions on the baby's behaviour.
A choice of therapeutic strategies relating to each situation completes the book, making it a valuable working tool for both general practitioners and specialists.
Au sommaire :
- Morbidité et mortalité dépressives
- Les expressions des dépressions :
Points de repères
Le syndrome dépressif
La maladie maniaco-dépressive
- Les échelles d’évaluation des dépressions
- Trouble dysphorique prémenstruel
- Ménopause et ménoblues
- Dépression et cancer
- Dépression, bipolarité et grossesse
- Grossesse, stress et dépression
- Dépression prénatale
- Post-Partum blues
- Dépression du post-partum
- Psychose puerpérale
- La dépression de deuil périnatal