Falls in Epileptic and Non-epileptic Seizures During Childhood

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ISBN : 0 86196 540 X
Printed in: English

At the Mariani Foundation meeting held in Milan, October 1995, highly qualified specialists were invited to assist in understanding of the basic principles of cerebral development and brain function, with specific attention to those structures and mechanisms involved in the phenomenon of falls.
Epileptologists illustrate the different semiologic modalities and clinical conditions in which the fall is an essential symptom. A main part of the book is dedicated to the medical and surgical treatment of syndromes where falls appear in the foreground.
This volume has the mission of improving life conditions of children who suffer from drop seizures, by limiting the risks to which they are subjected, and to try and compensate for the psychological and social limitations affecting them.
Prognostic factors relevant to clinical, psychological and social aspects are also extensively discussed, in order to complete this first extensive study of a complex and fascinating phenomenon.